Taste the future, today.
Introducing the new NEO, the ultimate coffee shop experience at home.

Introducing the new NEO, the ultimate coffee shop experience at home.
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Automatic Beverage
Enjoy barista-quality brewing and a one-touch coffee shop menu.

3-in-1 Technology

espressos and lungos

real americanos

grande and carafe

AirfoamTM Technology

Spoonable and
long-lasting milk foam
That velvety and scoopable milk foam on your favourite drinks? NEO does that too with the help of our exclusive AirFoamTM technology. Frothing milk into a deliciously dense layer so that you can enjoy our best coffee shop menu ever.
From farm to cup
It all starts with responsibly sourced coffee from Brazil.

From cup to soil
A freshly roasted coffee aroma in a home compostable paper-based pod that will return to its origin.
A commitment to sustainability with our
first home compostable paper-based pods.
As natural as it gets
Responsibly sourced coffee
100% home compostable pods*

We are commited
to sustainability.
With our first
home compostable
paper-based pods.

As natural as it gets
Responsibly sourced coffee
100% home compostable pods*

Fully connected, fully customizable.
Customize your coffee with the touch of a button, exactly the way you like it.